Steps to Take if Your Pet is Injured

Pets are like family, so when they get injured, it’s only natural to get anxious. As your animal’s owner, though, it’s up to you to take lead of the situation and remain calm and composed so as to not create further tension than there already is. If your pet has been injured, there are specific […]
Dogs, Cats, And Diabetes, All You Need To Know About the Diabolical Disease
Diabetes Mellitus (DM), sounds scientific, doesn’t it? It basically just means “sugar diabetes.” It’s derived from the Greek word Diabetes, meaning siphon (or to pass through), and the Latin word Mellitus, meaning honeyed or sweet. In short, diabetes mellitus causes excess sugar (sweetness) to pass through into your urine, hence the greek/Latin name. Another fun […]
Sugar Land Veterinary Specialists & 24 Hour Emergency Care Announces Expansion
“We’re excited about the expansion and the capacity to add additional services for our community. It’s imperative that we maintain the ability to support our community and have planned our expansion to keep our doors open 24/7/365.” said Alicia Williams, Senior Hospital Administrator. Since opening in 2007 by Dr. Charles Quick, board-certified veterinary radiologist, SLVS […]
4 (More) Reasons to Thank Your Pet This Pet Appreciation Week
Other than being completely instagrammable, funny, and loving creatures here are four more reasons to appreciate your pet this week. Pet dander may actually improve your immune system. Sid Kirchheimer, in Early Exposure Found to Reduce Later Risk in Children, indicates that despite the long-held belief that cats and dogs in the home could lead to […]
Making the Vet a More Positive Experience
Does your normally docile, friendly pet turn into the Tasmanian Devil the moment you pull into the veterinarian’s parking lot? It’s not unusual for pets to feel a little stressed by a visit to the vet. When your dog or cat is anxious or behaves aggressively, a simple checkup can become a difficult experience for […]
The C Word: Cancer In Your Family Pet
Family pets are often described as our “best friends” and news that they are sick can be devastating. Cancer is a disease that can affect family pets like dogs and cats. Through the years, research has developed many cures and treatments for use in improving or sustaining the health of pets that present with a […]
March Is Poison Prevention Month: Protecting Your Pet
Keeping your house pet-friendly is critical to the health and wellness of your pets. Just what does pet-friendly mean? A pet-friendly house is a sheltered location for an animal to live, play and relax that is clean, safe, free from hazards and toxic materials. Most pets share house space with their owner. Household items used […]
March is Poison Prevention Month- Lilies & Cats
A significant source of toxicity for cats that is unknown to many people is lilies. These flowers are beautiful, available in a variety of colors, and common in cut flower arrangements. They are also easy to grow and are found in many gardens. But, they can be very dangerous for cats. The Animal Poison Control […]
Xylitol Toxicity- Now Also In Peanut Butter
People love sweets and so do many dogs. In fact, some dogs love their family’s sweet treats and sneak bites of it when humans aren’t looking. You or your children probably also share goodies with your family pet. Many sweets are made with a substance called xylitol. Xylitol is used to manufacture many sweet tasting […]
Demands of Being a Gatekeeper
The demands of being a CCS/CSR/Front desk receptionist (whatever name your hospital chooses to call you-I like to call us the gatekeepers) can be very hectic. So, please give yourself a pat on the back for being a part of such an important role in the hospital. Being able to manage your time and juggle […]