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Why Pet Owners Should Be on the Lookout for Foxtail Grass

Foxtails may seem harmless. After all, they’re just weeds, aren’t they? Unfortunately, this common summer grass can actually wreak havoc on your pet’s health. Now that the weather is heating up, it’s more likely than ever that you’ll begin to see foxtails growing in your yard and the local dog park. However, there’s no need to panic–you just have to know the risks and how you can successfully protect your pet from foxtails.

Why Foxtails Are Dangerous

Foxtails pose a significant risk to pets because of the way their seeds spread. Each seed is barbed, designed to move in one direction–forward. When pets come into contact with foxtails, the seeds can become lodged in their fur and even burrow into their skin. Foxtail seeds can also enter through a pet’s ears, nose, or mouth. Pets’ bodies can’t break down foxtail seeds, and these obstructions can quickly make their way into your pet’s lungs or brain.

How to Protect Your Pet From Foxtails

Aim to avoid areas thick with foxtails when you’re out and about, such as open fields and areas with tall grasses. Plus, be sure to keep your yard well-maintained and free from foxtails, and closely examine your pet’s fur after they’ve been outside to check for seeds. This also gives you the opportunity to check for other pests like ticks. Regular visits to the veterinarian will also ensure any unnoticed foxtails are discovered and dealt with early.

Contact Your Veterinarian Today!

Foxtails can be dangerous for your pet, but you have the power to prevent them from harming your furry friend. If you notice your pet beginning to show signs of foxtail contact, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian right away for an effective treatment solution. The earlier you catch them, the better chance the problem can be successfully managed without invasive treatments like surgery.




Specialty Teams
Mon-Fri: 8am–6pm
Sat-Sun: Closed
Emergency Services
Open 24/7 every day of the week