For years, sleep experts have told us that having our pets sleep in the bed with us disrupts our sleep and can lead to problems with chronic fatigue. A new study however, has found that sleeping with pets may actually help you sleep better by providing a sense of security and comfort.
Researchers from the Mayo Clinic Center for Sleep Medicine in Arizona, asked 150 respondents to fill out a questionnaire which included questions about their pets. In addition to their personal sleeping habits, respondents were also asked about the type and number of animals in their home, where the pets slept, how they behaved, and whether or not the pets affected their ability to sleep well.
While 20% of respondents blamed their pets for disturbing their sleep, 41% said they slept better because their pets were in bed with them. The researchers did find however that, the higher the number of pets in the house, the greater the chances of bad sleep.
The researchers note that, if your pet is a bad bedmate, don’t feel bad about changing the sleeping arrangements. Consider buying your pets their own bed to sleep on next to yours or, if need be, barring access to your room at night. For a pet that has been used to sleeping with you, this may require an adjustment period (for both of you) but the benefits of a good night’s sleep can have a significant positive impact on your overall health.
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